The King of Nowhere ░░░ never home.
Подсмотрела у Рей. Хае. Земля, как обычно, самая, которая не. XD

Your result for The Avatar: the Last Airbender Bending Test...

Air Bender

25% Fire, 15% Earth, 30% Water and 55% Air!

Air is the element of freedom. Airbenders continually sought spiritual enlightenment, the result being that all Air Nomads are benders. The key to Airbending is flexibility, finding and following the path of least resistance. Airbending is notable for being almost entirely defensive, however it is reputed to be the most dynamic of the four bending arts. Chances are, you are quick thinking and able to see multiple solutions to a single situation.

Take The Avatar: the Last Airbender Bending Test at HelloQuizzy